Nope, another night of futile efforts to entice it.
Now I've tried krill, mysis, shrimp, prawn, clam (live from the supermarket), squid, octopus.
I'm desperate for suggestions here. What's left I can try? Live food? Should I try ghost shrimp? I've got 100's of baby Ameca spendens in my FW, they'd probably be about the right size, except that 1) ugh, I can't believe it would have to come to that, 2) they're endangered or extinct in the wild 3) they're hard to catch 4) no real guarantee the eel would eat it, so it will just die in the SW and add to the fouling of the water.
I'm about ready to throw the towel in and put it up for sale in case anyone else thinks they'd have a better chance of getting it to come around.
I'm getting so close to done forever with this hobby everytime I make a purchase like this and I end up regretting it. Words can't express the sheer frustration of late... a small victory was all I wanted, apparently it's completely out of the question. My reef tank karma is all used up I guess.