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Old 09-20-2008, 06:29 PM
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JDigital JDigital is offline
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Originally Posted by Oscar View Post
Other than the label why paint black? That size of a board is getting harder to find all of the time.

Oh yeah, nice tank!
I got alot of stuff around the tank that has black or black trim... speakers, my FW tank, etc... Just figured it would look better if it matched.. haha I've been finding this size board at HD for awhile, always plenty of stock..

Originally Posted by mseepman View Post
Any details on how you built the canopy? How is it supported over the tank?
There is a set of rails inside the panels that rest on the frame of the tank. They are positioned high enough up that when placed on the tank, the face panels cover the black frame on the tank, the MH plate then just spans the width of the canopy and rests on top... However I am looking to add a set of hinges to the MH plate so that I can lift the light up instead of completely moving off to the side or the floor when changing water or feeding etc..

Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
Hey! You got er done. So does that mean no trade? Or do you want frags instead? Looks good bud.
Haha! Yea, all I needed was a mitre saw, which a buddy has, so had the day off, figured I'd give it a try.. haha... I will need another one for my 75G tho...
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

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