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Old 09-20-2008, 03:35 PM
phillybean phillybean is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Kelowna
Posts: 270
phillybean is on a distinguished road

This is a good unit because you can add more T5's to it down the road. Also, it's cheap enough that if you decide to change to MH down the road, it's not going to hurt as bad

The best advice I can give is plan to have everything. When I was planning my tank I was planning a set up like yours, softies/some LPS and was told to plan on getting SPS, because the more I get into the hobby, the more I will want them. Now that my tank is set up, I plan on 60%+ of my corals being SPS.

A friend had the same idea and although I told him several times to just get the MH, he never did. He bought several corals that his lights could handle and is now planning an upgrade.
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