Originally Posted by Telford
80g. Cylinder tank that is covered with a wooden lid. I currently have 4 t5's retrofitted under the canopy. The measurement of the tank/lid across is just over 28". I have about 5" of depth to work with.
I want to somehow get a MH under the lid but having a hard time finding something that will fit. Then i don't know if a halide will heat up the tank too much being under a lid? I also don't know if they get to hot to be mounted onto a wooden lid? Do i need to supplement halide with t5 still? Finally i don't know if it would be that much better then the T5's?
I found this possible solution...
Here are a few pictures to give you a better idea of what i'm dealing with. Thanks in advance for any suggestions/comments.
You may consider these:
Its only 3.5" high and your ballast can go under in the cabinet.
Possible issues:
- heat in which case you should consider putting in a fan to vent out heat when you light turns on.
- lighting shadow: I can't tell from the picture if the center overflow is directly in the center or off to one side. And I can't tell if the opening is even in the front and back of the tank. If the openings are big enough, you may consider two of the pendants. Attach the pendants on a metal bar that is attached to the canopy with one bolt balanced in the middle. This will allow you to pivot the light over the opening and when you need access into the tank, you can pivot turn the light to the sides.
similar to this idea but your turning of the lights to gain access will be manual