Day 4 with mine - still not eating.

Should I be worried? The wholesaler said it was eating krill, so I went and bought this enormous sheet of krill. Of course it won't touch them - and nobody else including the anemones will touch the krill either.
How long before I really panic?
So far I've tried mysis, sand eels, krill, NLS finicky fish, Michika's food - no interest.
I thought about silversides but they were enormous - absolutely enormous - which is why I opted for the smaller, more slender sand eels. Maybe this was a mistake? Maybe I should go get silversides? ... I'm just frustrated because I have a freezer full of foods that none of my fish will eat ..
What do I do? Maybe stop feeding him altogether for a few days? Let him get real good and hungry? Try a half clam?
There's nobody in the tank in with him. So not a case of hazing or bullying...