First I would like to apologize for the delay and lack of detailed picks, things have been very hectic in my life lately. That, and the next time I pick up my camera to use it and the batteries are dead I will backing over it with my truck!!! Seriously that thing is a pce of junk! LOL
Anyhoo, it was a nail biter as this was my first build but I pulled it off without any damage or scratches. :-)
Here she sits.
Due to the nature of how I got this tank and lack of time I had, I had to copy the design of another one. So I ended up with the drain holes in the bottom rear corners, which I didn't like. I didn't want corner overflow boxes.
The tank I was dreaming about had a coast to coast overflow. I also didn't have any glass to build the overflow boxes with and I couldn't find anything out here with a resonable price tag.
So I was trying to figure out a way to make a better overflow system. Something I could hide easier and that wouldn't take up so much real estate in the tank.
I decided to use PVC eave trough and run 1.5" flex hose up the back of the tank to the eave.
Like so.
Here it is painted.
I then filled it up with the water from my sump and added the rock also from my sump.
Here is day 1
Now the crappy part.
The next day most of my corals looked pretty much dead! All my SPS are bleached and show little polyp extension, if any.
One of my large xenias literally melted with in 1 day! As you can imagine I am not very happy.
None of my fish or inverts show any signs of stress or anything like that. My two anemones seem fine too, maybe not as large as usual but not wilted looking or anything.
I have no idea what I did, or didn't do. The only thing I can think of is that due to all my corals being disturbed when I was moving them to the new tank they all released toxins at once, filling the new tank with them.
Due to the fact that I didn't have 230 gallons of RO water laying around and it takes me about 5 days to make it I had no choice but to let them sit in the slurry. I added filtration and carbon right away but it doesn't seem to have helped much.
It's been six days since this happened and my new water is ALMOST ready! Maybe one more full day.
Most of my corals are showing signs of improvement but a couple look to me to be beyond repair.
I am sure most will come back to life and all will be fine, in time.
I will post some more picks once everything is running and the rocks are arranged properly.
Oh here is one of the sump plumbing in the basement.