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Old 09-11-2008, 05:15 AM
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Default DIY Zeo or Ultra Lithe Reactor

I got tired of shaking my phosban reactor to aggitate and clean the Zeolithe. I decided to make a pump still reactor out of my phosban reactor. To do this I bought some 1/2 inch acrylic rod , a 1/2 barbed plug, some 1/4 inch white plexy and weld-on 16.
This is what I ended up with......

I started by drilling out the center hole in the lid to 1/2 inch to receive the 1/2 inch rod. I ended up loosing the barbed fitting on the out side of the lid. I had to file the hole a little so the rod would move smoothly in the hole.

I then took the two round red pieces from inside the reactor and drilled the holes in the center to 1/2 inch. I saw the flanges off on the one side of each piece so I could glue them flush together. I glued them together because I thought it would be more durable that way since they are made of brittle plastic. I then took a 1 inch hole bit and drilled a 1 inch washer. I drilled a 1/2 inch hole in the middle of it. I cut the 1/2 inch rod into a 14 inch length. I glued the two red pieces together then glued it to the rod . I glued the white washer behind it as a extra support.

I then started to drill the hole in the phosban tube. I drilled it out to 5/8 to fit the 1/2 inch barbed plug. I worked my way up to 5/8 by drilling a number of smaller holes untill I got to 5/8. I did this slowly because I was scared the acrylic tube would crack quite easily. I had to file the hole a little for the plug to fit. I glued it into place with weld-on 16. The reason for the barbed fitting in the bottom is to create flow from the bottom up.

I have not actually tested it yet in my tank. I will be setting it up in the next day or two and will let you know how it works. I am quite sure that there will be water comming out the top from around the rod. Similair to the actual Zeo reactors. Hope this helps someone .

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