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Old 09-10-2008, 11:42 PM
Nate Nate is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Calgary
Posts: 323
Nate is on a distinguished road
Default wow...crazy amount of interest

Cannot believe how many people are interested in this tank.

holes are in the bottom, internal overflow. Beauty of a tank, used about 1.5 years, built like a tank by my tank builder. Holes along each long end in the euro brace 4 each side, currently only utilizing two.

Pretty much just seeing about offers. I may be able to take a pic, but throw me a ballpark price and we can go from there...

Npt looking to get rid of it for free, but there could be some incentive to go with someone who is rock solid on taking it. The last thing I want it to have the sale fall through.


I will start firing off some pm's in the next couple days in the order that they were recieved.
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