So while I plan out my show tank and watching everything grow in my 20H i decided to start a new nano
tank spec's
standerd 10gal
coralife 20" 96watt lighting
75watt ebo-jager heater
koralia nano x 2
10lbs caribsea aragonite (fiji pink)
5lbs live rock
the reason i only went with 5lbs of live rock is because with my 20H i bought 20lbs of rock but than when i was buying my coral alot of the stuff i wanted I couldn't buy due to the fact that they were on large pieces of rock. originally i was going to do a nano sps tank but decided to wait till the larger tank since my lighting is not good enough. but i am transfering a few yuma's and florida ric's over to the tank once its ready. some corals i plan on keeping is an open brain, aussie duncan for sure.