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Old 09-10-2008, 04:37 PM
sea gnome's Avatar
sea gnome sea gnome is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Victoria
Posts: 169
sea gnome is on a distinguished road
Unhappy fs 90 gallon setup

I am looking to sell my tank, it has been flourishing for the last 3 years but unfortunately it looks like I will be moving and will not be able to take it with me. Ideally I would like to sell the whole set up in one go. I am willing to sell the whole set up for $1000 as I don't wnat the stress of having it linger. I will part out however if there are no takers.

90 g seastar tank with corner overflow
cabinet with 40 g sump
2x 175 MH pfo ballast
icecap ballast
solor 1000 controller
2 led moon nights
test kits

6 line wrasse
yellow tang
tomato clown
lawn mower blennie
cleaner shrimp

kenya trees
large green open brain
large toadstool
frogspawn coral

100 lbs live rock

I now live in Victoria not cobble hill if that helps.


I also have the stand, protien skimmer and 2 mag 12 pumps, does that sweeten the deal???

Last edited by sea gnome; 09-18-2008 at 06:44 PM. Reason: wrong area on profile
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