Originally Posted by yeeg
I try to change about 80 gallons every second weekend....
I am looking to get a calcium reactor but trying to find the right size is easier said than done...Have been given a price on one but manually dosing right now so will hold off for as long as I can...
Only had a 66g FOWLR previously so if anyone can think of equipment I might need, please let me know...
After visiting Coral Master, I realize I need more flow...The 4 Tunze generates just under 13000 gallons per hour but thats only 20 times...I am thinking of getting a couple of Tunze 6201 added to each end which move 5000gph each or 4 of the Tunze 6125 (3170gph) so that I can hide them behind some of the rockwork and move more water in those spots...Would be happy with 40-50 times flow excluding return lines...
You might want to wait a couple months for the new Stream2s to come out if you can. Another flow option is a Wavebox. Not sure how many you'd need in a tank your size (ask Roger Vitko on the Tunze RC forum) but I've found that a wavebox really helps with supplemental flow.
As for a Ca Rx, I've only ever used a GEO, but it's built like a rock and dead simple to setup and use. It might be better for you to dose two-part manually for now, but when your demands ramp up a good reactor is the only way to go.