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Old 09-09-2008, 03:19 AM
yeeg yeeg is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Tanglewood
Posts: 57
yeeg is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by TTT View Post
Wow Glen, your tank looks awesome! I met you at Red Coral when you were buying truck loads of salt! How long has it been since you first set-up your tank?

Started filling the tank on Feb 29 using the culligan machine I have at home...23 days later, I had half a tank...I needed another 55? 5 gallons of water to top it off once the rock arrived...Took another 4 days to get enough water in the sump...If I ever need to lift another bottle of R/o, it will be too soon...

Once I put the rock in the tank to cure, I was advised to leave the lights off for 3 weeks to minimize algae...2 months later, I had enough and turned the lights on to see white rocks...The colours are starting to come back and you may be able to see in the middle section the coraline and other colours are quite strong...I had the most light in the middle and slowly added light as time went on...I had very little hair and other nuisance algae in the tank and I am glad I left the lights off for so long...

So its basically been running with livestock for 3.5 months...Since you live so close, let me know if you want to take a look...

650G Mixed, 5 - Lumenarc 250w 10K, 4 - Tunze Turbelle 6101 w/7095, BK 250 External

650# - Tonga LR, 49 sps, 9 lps, 4 softies, 10 mush/zoas, 1 clam

Blonde Naso, Sohal, 2 Yellow Tangs, Juv Emperor, CBB, Achilles, Kole, Solar Fairy Wrasse, paired pencil Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Blue lined rabbit Fish, 8 clowns, lawnmower blenny, mandarin dragonet, sand sifting goby, abalone, tux urchin, black spiny urchin, 4 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 150+ snails/crabs/conches
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