Originally Posted by slakker
I'm a Nikon guy... been using the D100, D2H, D2Hs and played with the D3. Played with the Canon 5D, 10D and the 1Ds as well. I find the Nikon human interface much better, but no denying Canon has a great sensors.
But given the choices you're looking at, I'd recommend investigating the D700 and the D90 as well...
Well...I'm on a budget, so I can't go "whole-hog" quite yet! I'd love the D300/700 for sure...but at $1700/2500-ish respectively, I can't justify it.
I'm actually most interested in the D200 right now. It seems to be a fair compromise for what I want. I have to say, though, that the Canon USM lenses are MUCH faster, IMO, than what I've experienced so far with Nikon's lenses. Am I crazy?