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Old 09-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Trigger Man Trigger Man is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Posts: 802
Trigger Man is on a distinguished road

For triggers I think it is on a case by case situation, I've had a Clown and Picaso along with a Crosshatch live in harmony with my coral and shrimp, crabs and snails in the past. But currently when my tank got wiped out and I started up again and tried to add the same things I had in the prior one, it seemed that all my fish wanted to kill everyone else in the tank. Currently I have a Crosshatch and for the longest time I had a Picaso (which I removed thinking it was picking on some of my fish, which later I found out it was another fish that was the culprit) in my reef tank and they do not harm my coral, shrimps, crabs or snails. When adding new items to my tank I give all my fish a good feeding that night and then add the newbies in about an hour after the tank lights have gone off.
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