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Old 09-08-2008, 01:35 AM
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Default Coral Beauty doesn't want to eat anything but algae

I'm at a loss for what to feed this guy. He's been eating his way through the bit of hair algae I had in my tank, but doesn't seem to want any of what I'm feeding anyone else.

I've tried:
- mysis
- frozen cyclopeeze
- bloodworms
- red nori
- green nori
- ON formula two flakes
- ON prime reef flakes
- ON formula one marine pellets

I've tried all the above both in their natural state as well as soaked in entice and garlic guard, nothing. In the store, I saw him eat the ON prime reef flakes.

For an omnivore, he's a really picky fish.

There's a bit of GHA left in the tank that he's munching, but between him and the blue tang, they're going through it pretty quick.

Anyone got a suggestion on anything else to try?
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