Originally Posted by marie
How long and wide is that tank?
96L x 48W x 36H
To get a picture of it, drop by home depot and take a look at a 4x8 foot sheet of plywood or drywall...Now imagine a 3 foot high stack of that plywood/drywall...
650G Mixed, 5 - Lumenarc 250w 10K, 4 - Tunze Turbelle 6101 w/7095, BK 250 External
650# - Tonga LR, 49 sps, 9 lps, 4 softies, 10 mush/zoas, 1 clam
Blonde Naso, Sohal, 2 Yellow Tangs, Juv Emperor, CBB, Achilles, Kole, Solar Fairy Wrasse, paired pencil Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Blue lined rabbit Fish, 8 clowns, lawnmower blenny, mandarin dragonet, sand sifting goby, abalone, tux urchin, black spiny urchin, 4 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 150+ snails/crabs/conches