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Old 09-07-2008, 02:48 AM
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04scoobysti 04scoobysti is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 226
04scoobysti is on a distinguished road

A little Update with some pics, I think i've taken care of the lighting and the cooling.
Ive Installed the HQI 150w lumenmax 3 with a Giessmann 13k bulb
And some DIY Actinic lighting with 4-9w PC bulbs.
I also modified my canopy to contain 2-30 CFM Computer fans. One blows in one blows out. I was thinking I might put in a 1w moonlight i have lying around.

Im still working on the plumbing and have to silicone in a few more baffles, but it should be seeing water in the next week.

Heres some pics

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