Thread: Sad stuff...
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:37 PM
fortheloveofcrabs fortheloveofcrabs is offline
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Location: Edmonton
Posts: 252
fortheloveofcrabs is on a distinguished road
Default Sad stuff...

Hi everyone!

So, it’s official, we’re moving. My wife and I are moving to Toronto come February. She’s getting a transfer.

So, I’m getting out… I guess I’m going to have to sell off all my stuff (or at least what I can sell), but it’s going to be really sad, you know? I’ve had my two tanks for years and have grown quite attached to some things…

Anyways, I was wondering, how do you get rid of all this stuff (isn’t that the million dollar question, eh?)

I guess one starts with the fish and corals, then LR, then the equipment, right?

As well, if no one wants some stuff, what can I do with it? I could never flush a living fish, or throw out live rock (that stuff’s not cheap!).

Thanks guys...


Have a good one!
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