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Old 08-30-2008, 04:58 AM
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Default Biotherm Aquamedic temp controller

Well, have had this temp controller since Feb. Seems to be fine. Had a storm today, powder bumped a couple times. Im out working around house. Pumps stay on, so not worried. About 3 hrs later I go look at the tank. All Polyps are withdrawn, They usually out in full froce feeding at this time. Open sump cabinet, the Biotherm is saying 91.9F and a temp setting of 197 Heater is ON. Unplug controller, lighjts,. get some fans on sump/tank, and turn AC on in house. Check with my TDS/temp probe, yup, 90+F Ohh I Hope my critters will be ok. I know temp swing to fast is bad, but now 2 temp swings? Up and down???
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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