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Old 08-28-2008, 10:57 PM
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naesco naesco is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
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naesco is on a distinguished road

Here is what you need to do.
1. Get two cleaner shrimp. Be very careful to acclimate them slowly and add them to your tank with the lights off.
2. Go to the LFS and buy one botter of garlic extreme and one bottle of Selcon and a good quality flake food. Put the flakes in a small container (juice bottle cap) and, shake and add 2 or three drops of selcon than add enough garlic exteme to the flakes (or any dried food) until they are saturated than feed the fish. Feed two or three times a day and feed only the saturated food. You need to continue this for a month or so.
You can also use squished garlic, or unflavoured garlic extract from a health food store but don't buy anything else as the others are diluted with water and less effective.
Because you are feeding more often you have to change the water often.
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