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Old 08-28-2008, 10:56 PM
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Wow, lots of replies and PM's.. I can't thank you enough. I greatly appreciate all the feedback.

What adds to my frustration even more now is that I am at home, and the clownfish has not a single speck of ick on it. I know it's the ick going through it's cycles.. but to see the fish in such rough shape 10 hours ago compared to now, you'd never know it was the same fish. Grrr! I am actually pleased to see the clown out and about. They even chose a coral to host today and that is my toadstool leather. And the Toadstool ain't lookin' too happy. But as I said, if the fish ain't happy, the corals are and if the corals ain't happy, the fish are.

Thank you all again, and please, keep the ideas and suggestions/experiences coming, it's all very good stuff to know. I will keep this thread bookmarked for future reference as well.

For tonight, I am about to stuff them with some NLS pellets. I am going to try this Aquarium Munster Protomarin Coral. It has decent reviews and is apparantley very gentle to inverts and corals, and seeing how I already have it I may as well try it. The dosing is only 3 days. I dose for two days straight, then leave the tank for one day, and then dose again on the fourth day. Wish me luck... if this doesn't work I will see what's best to try next. I don't want to do too much as I will just end up making matters worse.

Seems like regular feeds and good water quality should keep the fish in good condition. Just sucks that it will constantly be present in the tank, waiting to attack if the fish becomes weak.

Again, thank you!
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50
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