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Old 08-28-2008, 02:57 PM
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Default In-tank ick remedies?

Yeah, it's been a rough past week and a half. Corals and inverts are doing very well, but some of the fishies aren't doing as well.

I'll try to sum this up as short as possible. Bought a used 20g that came with a Coral Beauty and 2 tank raised Ocellaris. After 3 weeks, the CB showed a few ick spots. I sold the fish 2 days after, and it was moved into a larger system. I assume the tank size was stressing him out. Then I replaced the tank raised clowns with true percs. I lost one true perc from carpet surfing (covered the tank with eggcrate since) Then two days after, I replaced the carpet surfer , and that true perc settled in well, paired up and ate immediately. I added that perc on Friday... and now today when I wake up, I find the new perc with several ick spots (could be something else, but from the quick glimpse it looked like ick) I don't get it, as my other clown, and purple firefish are fine.. I can't see a single ick spot, nor have I since I have had them.

Seeing as a QT isn't an option for me (I know, tsk tsk, I'm sorry) I was wondering what people here do when they find a minor ick outbreak, any remedies or things you do, BESIDES the QT/treatment options (ie: feed with certain vitamins, garlic?) I know lots of people don't go pulling all their fish out at the sign of a small ick outbreak, so if you don't mind I am simply just curious as to what others do... so far my plan is to do nothing but keep water quality up and daily feedings, while skimming wet and running carbon, keeping things as clean and stress free as possible. I am also only running actinics for the time being, in hopes it reduces stress somewhat.

*edit* I have a product by Aquarium Munster called Protamarin Coral. It's supposed to be an effective, in-tank ick treatment that is extremely gentle to corals and inverts. Anyone tried this? Should I give it a go?
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50

Last edited by OCDP; 08-28-2008 at 02:59 PM.
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