Thanks Michelle for the pm and thanks Catherine. We'll i guess i will have to order the bulb from J&L...
I did get the Sohal though that oceans had(thanks Michelle)....Top fin is a little beat up as he was in there with i dunno what but it was pushing him around pretty good.
Otherwise he is fat,eating and in quarintine for the next few weeks....I will post some pics when i find my camera...which i might add i have still not found after moving a month
180 gallon SPS Dominated reef, Reeflo Orca 200 skimmer,Proline Zeovit reactor,3 250 watt halides in lumenarc mini reflectors and 2 vortecs for flow
Numerous corals,2 purple tangs,choclate mimic tang,Foxface,Solar wrasse,male and female lubbocks wrasse,hoevens wrasse,Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse,Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse,yellow wrasse,3 Yellowstripe Anthias,True percand S.Gigantea anemone