Eurobraced 60gal
So once again plans have changed. finally decided to do a 40 breeder with a sump
plan on having 60-70 pounds of rock
30 pounds of live sand, maybe more
sunlight supply Tek 6x39 T5HO (picked up today)
right now the tank is being drawn up. should have it by decemeber 1st
Sept 3th/09
60gal eurobraced 48x18x16
1" return's
2" drain and emergency
Aqua Medic Oceanrunner 3500 pump
Ebo Jager 150watt heaters x2
Deltec mc500 skimmer
Tunze Turbelle Deluxe Multi Controller
Tunze Nanostream 6055 powerheads x2
Tunze ATO unit
48" Sunlight Supply TEK T5HO 6x54watt fixture
SPS dominated
Multi types of zoa's
Open brain
Yellow tang
Tomato clown
Yellow watchman goby
green chromis x3
Last edited by lorenz0; 11-04-2009 at 01:37 AM.