Thread: Clownfish poop
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Old 08-24-2008, 05:55 PM
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Default Clownfish poop

It has definitely been a rough week for me and my livestock. Despite all my efforts, keeping the nutrition up, water quality up, I still run into problems.

I think BOTH new clownfish have internal parasites (worms) The poop is long, white and stringy. It takes a bit before it falls off. All research leads me to believe this is worms, but I could be wrong though?? The fact that both have the worms, or may, really has me wondering what I could be doing wrong.. I always assume it's me. But I am most certainly not careless, and I follow proper acclimation and generally try to reduce stress as much as I can before introduction.

Is this something clownfish can get over themselves, or does it require a QT treatment? My plan is to not move anymore livestock as I have done enough of that over the past week.

My treatment plan is to continue the every day feedings of NLS Pellets & Mysis (vary between the two) and I am soaking the food in Selcon and Garlic Xtreme (not so much the garlic, I am having my doubts these days) I will continue to keep my water quality up, and keep skimming wet, while running carbon.

The fish show no signs of distress, as they still eat fine and are active. Although, I am not sure what exactly I should be looking for in terms of symptoms, as I have never dealt with worms if that is indeed what I have. I hope by keeping them fat, they are able to fight off whatever they may have.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50
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