Well I continue to try and move this nano project forward. Tonight I started plumbing the SCWD that will provide flow from my return pump. I will be using a Quietone 3000 which I hope will have enough juice considering it's only about 4 feet of head. I ran into some trouble with keeping the piping to conform how I wanted it to behind the small 16" tank, as such I was forced to consider using 90's. I know they cut down on the flow but I'm hoping that this will still work. I found some new fittings at Home Depot so I thought I would try them...works like a compression fitting.
Here it is so far:
Once I get everything plumbed, I decided that I would use EcoRox from BRS. I saw them in Gools new tank (which is looking great) and really liked the look.
I plan to seed it with another 5lbs of Live rock I have already.