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Old 08-17-2008, 06:31 AM
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Mikee Mikee is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Vernon, B.C, Canada
Posts: 140
Mikee is on a distinguished road

Nice terrariums you got there machete! heres mine,

I caught these guys in the morning up at the front of the tank near the pond. Almost every morning before my lights turn on while the sun shines through my window and into the tank these guys are always up and around the pond.

I'll try to get a new FTS.. i am missing a plant on the left side there..not sure if i should add a brom there or just let the creeping fig or plant on bottom grow up.

Where do you get your broms Machete? i love those red ones.. i cant find any good ones..any places to order from that you know of?
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