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Old 08-17-2008, 05:49 AM
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Originally Posted by skabooya View Post
If i get an HOB fuge then i will only need a K2 right? since the HOB and the skimmer will be creating some flow. Right?
Actually, it doesn't exactly work like that IME. The useable flow out of an HOB-anything is next to useless because it is merely dropping straight down into the tank rather than flowing around throughout the tank.

Think of filling your bathtub: at the tap end there's a lot of flow going straight down, but not much of that force is getting to the far end of the tub. Now, take the same flow and point it sideways underwater like a hose and you'll get plenty of flow at the other end.

In any event, fuges require LOW flow to be of any use in any event. The water coming out of it and your HOB skimmer will be rather gentle (certainly nowhere near as much force as an open tap) and won't have much of an effect on anything that isn't directly underneath of it.

I thought the same way with my old 46 bowfront. I added up the flow from all the powerheads and HOB skimmer and refugium. On paper it looked great, but in actual practice there was no where near enough flow and I had to put in bigger powerheads.

Last edited by fkshiu; 08-17-2008 at 05:52 AM.
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