Ok, couple changes from my original post regarding equipment and LR.
1. Lighting:
Wattage hasn't change, just my units. I was originally going to go with a 4x24W Aquamedic unit, however, I was able to get my hands on 2x 2x24W Coralife units for much less money (even if I replace all the bulbs, it still saves me $100, plus the units are a lot more sleek). I will still be running 2x 10K , 1x Actinic, 1x Fiji Purple.
Also added one Coralife 1watt LED Lunar light.
2. Powerheads:
I am still going to be using 1 of the Seio M620's, but the other will be used in my water change bucket, and get replaced with a Koralia 2 for a bit more flexability in position and jet concentration.
3. Live Rock:
I picked up about 25lbs of Coraline covered (plus loads of bristlestars, snails, and misc live stuff) rock from a local Can-reefer today, so I will be returning the other stuff I had cooking where I got it. Hopefully save myself a bit of algae issue down the road.
Last night after adding the CaribSea Live Sand:
and tonight after adding the new lights and LR (this is not my final aquascape, just had to get the rock submerged to avoid die off):