Fish for Sale (Edmonton)
Harlequin Tusk 5" - $120
Adult Red Coris Wrasse 6" - $40 (Sold, Tangeroo)
Juvinile Red Coris Wrasse 3" - $20 (Sold, Edmonton Eskimo)
Lunare Wrasse 6" - $20
Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse (Sangihe) - $20 (Sold, Tangeroo)
Red Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish - $40 (Sold, Neal)
Snowflake Eel 14" - $10 (Sold, Tangeroo)
Unknown Eel 12" - $20 (Sold, Tangeroo)
All fish have been in my tanks for at least a year or so, but would like to either tear down for awhile or go to purely reef safe fish. All wrasses are mainly fed nls pellets, and mysis every now and then. Both eels and the fuzzy eat frozen mysis readily.
The eels and fuzzy are available anytime for pickup, the rest will be available for pickup around the 22nd-24th once the 400g is drained and i have a hope of catching them.
Pictures of all the fish are available in my gallery.
BioCube 29, Nanotuners 150w hqi/pc refit, LED refugium, MCE600, Tunze 6025.
Last edited by BlkWolfe; 08-18-2008 at 09:38 PM.