Well, after purchasing a lovely RBTA for my clarkii clownfish - how does she show her gratitude?
I was doing a water change last night, and as always - I siphon off detritis and my ongoing battle with dinoflagellates. Out from the rocks darted this little demon bent on protecting her new pal - and she bit me!
I hollared and tried to brush her away - holy smokes what a determined little fish - she is only about 1 1l2 inches long - but you would never know it. And, get this - she never once attacked the hose - oh no -she had to go for the hand that was holding the hose - repeatedly. If I was within 2 ft of the anemone - she would flash out - bite and retreat, bite and retreat.
Nobody told her that she was a little fish. She drew blood once - the little &*(^$#%^&$%$! I knew they would be protective - but wow - I sure do hesitate to put my hands in there now - sheesh. I think she should appreciate my efforts to keep her home clean and show a little gratitude.