Originally Posted by sharuq1
How cool is that?!  May I come and see them sometime?
But of course you can Kelly. We have positioned the rocks now so they are out in front
Originally Posted by fishytime
Made note of the scientific name and will mention it to Kevin @ the store.
They are called Stichodactyla tapetum.
180 gallon SPS Dominated reef, Reeflo Orca 200 skimmer,Proline Zeovit reactor,3 250 watt halides in lumenarc mini reflectors and 2 vortecs for flow
Numerous corals,2 purple tangs,choclate mimic tang,Foxface,Solar wrasse,male and female lubbocks wrasse,hoevens wrasse,Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse,Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse,yellow wrasse,3 Yellowstripe Anthias,True percand S.Gigantea anemone