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Old 08-14-2008, 12:33 AM
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Stichodactyla tapetum

Anemone FAQs taken from (hope it's ok to post here even with a copyright)
1. What is Stichodactyla tapetum?
S. tapetum is species of "carpet" anemone. Precise identification can only be done by experts, but wild specimens have been reported to be found off the eastern coast of Singapore and western coast of Japan. In the U.S., hobbyists have obtained these anemones as hitchkers on imported coral colonies from the Indo-Pacific.
2. How big does Stichodactyla tapetumget?
From the hobbyist's standpoint, S. tapetum can be divided into two sub-categories. "Mini" mini carpet anemones are those that naturally divide (fission) at about 1.5" diameter. The "mini" mini carpet anemones are what Gary M. originally refers to in his posts on the ReefCentral message board. S. tapetum also has a "Maxi" mini form which will grow to a reported 12".
3. Will Stichodactyla tapetum host my clownfish?
S. tapetum are not natural clownfish hosts.
4. What is required to keep Stichodactyla tapetum?
Most standard tropical reef aquarium setups are sufficient for S. tapetum. Mini carpet anemones readily adapt to all lighting conditions and like most anemones, can be highly mobile in order to find a suitable position in your tank. Feeding will definitely improve your anemone's growth rate as well as condition it for propagation (natural or other).
5. What does Stichodactyla tapetum eat?
Mini carpet anemones are easy to feed due to their sticky surface. Small portions of krill, mysis shrimp, squid, or fish can be offered to the anemone using a pipet, turkey baster, or forceps. S. tapetum is photosynthetic and does not require direct feeding in order to survive, though it is highly recommended. Feed your anemones as frequently as two small portions per day.
6. Will Stichodactyla tapetum kill or injure my coral?
Most hobbyists keep S. tapetum in their mixed reef tanks without any problems. Please exercise caution if you own expecially sensitive specie. Do NOT mix S. tapetum with other anemones outside the Stichodactyla genus.
7. How do I force propagate my mini carpet anemones?
Only propagate healthy individuals. When you're ready to do so, follow our propagation guide!
8. Where can I purchase Stichodactyla tapetum?
The mini form of S. tapetum is in good circulation in many of the local reef clubs around the U.S. Also check out the livestock classifieds sections on or Here at UglyCoral, we are currently in "aggresive propagation" mode and hope to have an assortment of morphs available in the near future.
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