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Old 08-13-2008, 04:57 AM
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fencer fencer is offline
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fencer is on a distinguished road
Default Garage Sale- Edmonton Area- Sept 14


I am setting up a Equipment Exchange/Sale for Sun / Sept 14th.

Where: 6104 Davies Rd at the back of Neal's shop

When : Sunday Sept 14 between 1pm and 4pm

What: Bring your own tables etc....Neal is only providing the space

If it looks bad weather wise...we can move inside the shop

Spread the word

I know everybody on this forum has something to sell. My closet is full of reef related stuff or livestock. This is your chance to "sell it now" instead of PMing back and forth and endless bartering and low balling.

Door Prize and Raffle!

Kevin at Red Coral Has donated a very nice Blasto (LPS) for a door prize...come see me at my table to enter

Raffle: 2 very nice arco coral colonies(worth 150.00...bigger than the ones you find at Big Al's). They are just starting to show color. Even I don't know what they will look like eventually. The tickets only 10.00 for a shot at both colonies. NB. two draws will be made. Draw is at 3 pm.

Please email me at if you need more info.

Last edited by fencer; 09-11-2008 at 01:22 PM. Reason: ....;....
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