whatcaneyedo: Yes i know most on my list are not worth keeping in my tank. Esp for a beginner. I just have them on the list for colour so people know approx what i am looking for (colour wise). I have not decided anything yet and it will be quite a while before i decide what i would want to get for my centerpiece. So no rush and yes i am slowly doing research on these items. Most are off the list.
is that your acan? it looks awsome. I notice your in PG. 8 hours away from me. hmmmm lol.
Lorenz0: from everyone that has given me advice and from everything i have read you are the only person that is against the K3 in my tank. Ive seen a 20gal with a k3 in it for softies. My tank is 28gal 36" Long. Ive even been told to go for 2 K3's one at each end or 2 K2's even a K4 and a K1. I chose 1 K3. Lots of flow will help to prevent algae and deterius build up. Yes i will have a lot of flow in one area but ive also seen shrooms growing in areas like that. Cloves which i really want need medium flow to prevent algae from growing in between the polyps.
I dont want LOW flow i want a medium flow. Koralias dont preform top notch for very long. Also whenever getting a filter/power head/etc always get one bigger than what you need because of preformance issues most do not reach their gph and are slightly under that and with time their gph decreases even furthur. About 30x turnover is not bad. Its not sps turnover which is a lot its just under that.
To my understanding with nanos the most important parts of the hobby that you need to get right are good lighting, good water for waterchanges (salinity included), and good water flow.
Oh and PS to everyone im a she not a he LMAO