Thread: aircanada cargo
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Old 08-11-2008, 06:35 PM
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If you want to use WJ you will want to see what their policy is in regards to shipping corals. I used to ship birds on a fairly regular basis using WJ but in Feb. they changed their policy and now all live shipments can only be made through persons who are registered with them.

"Please be advised that effective February 4th, 2008, cargo will only be accepted from Commercial WestJet Cargo / ELS Marketing LP account holders or approved Live Animal Shippers. Cargo shipments tendered by individuals/general public or non-account holders will no longer be permitted on WestJet aircraft.

Due to the ongoing changes within the air cargo industry, we feel it is necessary that our policies must reflect these changes. These changes are due to the on-going implementation of increased security requirements set by Transport Canada for air cargo shipped on passenger aircraft tendered from individuals / general public. WestJet Airlines has requested this change.

The Live Shippers Application is for non-registered companies, or for companies that wish to use the services of WestJet Cargo, but do not require a credit account. Those who may complete the application must be affiliated with a club such as a kennel club (including any back up information or certificates) or have a valid company website. This application is still subject to approval"
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