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Old 08-09-2008, 07:56 PM
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Underwater Underwater is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: SW Calgary
Posts: 59
Underwater is on a distinguished road
Default Yes, but....

I agree with what Vic said. I know a couple of the mods and they really are trying to do the best possible job. With that, however, I do think there is a "responsibility" (if you will), we all have to help out others in our community.

I think (most of us) are mature enough to be able to give feedback on vendors without turning it into a mudslinging contest. Facts are facts-period...If there is a company that is taking advantage of our reefing community, why would we all want to ignore it? It's the elephant in the room and serves no one-including the company. I have been on the receiving end of a bad deals, and I have even had another who have felt like I gave them a bad deal. With both scenarios it was nice to be able to try to resolve the issue. Sometimes they can be resolved peacefully-and sometimes not. But, I wouldn't have known that there was even an issue had I not been told. And I would much rather try to remedy a situation-and maybe fail-than not to know about it at all and be known as the "cheater".

I know that the mods are in a difficult position-ethically and legally-but Canreef is a place we choose to turn to for information, advice, a place to vent, to help others, etc. We all have one thing in common, and that is our love for this hobby. I would think that is one of the main reasons Canreef was created...not so we could be preyed on by the unscrupulous with no warning. In all honesty, how many vendors would risk losing our community's business? One, two? Good riddance! It just allows a greater opportunity for the quality vendors to make more sales and allows us the opportunity to go into a transaction with our eyes open-not on blind faith.

I know this has been a touchy topic for quite a while, but I hope we can resolve this in a manner that serves all involved.

Take care.