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Old 08-09-2008, 07:22 PM
Veng68 Veng68 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Vancouver - Sunset (Little India)
Posts: 826
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As a consumer we have to take responsibility for our own purchasing decisions....... "Caveat Emptor" ............. "Let the Buyer Beware"

Do your own research..... like others said........ post a thread asking for PM's on dealings with the vendor you want to buy from.

I know that I have PM'd other board members my own experiences and I have asked people I know on the board about there experiences with vendors I want to deal with (or other members with stuff to sell).

Some people ask for vendor rating threads........ the majority of the threads quickly degenerate into personal name calling and serve no constructive purpose......... which is why a majority of boards (not just reef related) do not allow vendor rating threads.

The mods have other things to worry about like spammers and keeping threads on topic, etc. It's a thankless job that can be time consuming. I think the mods on this board are doing an excellent job. Thanks to all the Staff!!!

Just my 0.02 on the matter.

Vic [veng68]