Originally Posted by Aquattro
Good for you. That has got to be the stupidest thing I've heard on here all month. What? Now we're the better business bureau? Oh, I guess you don't use yellow pages either? Or read newspapers? OMG, don't listen to the radio or watch TV, there might be untrustworthy advertisers.
Sheesh. I know. I'll call the vendors and ask them if they're stand-up guys? Hello? No, you're not, you suck? Oh, well then, you can't buy advertising space from us then. Thanks for being upfront about sucking.
Christ, I've had complaints about every vendor in town from somebody at some point. We'll kick them all off. Good plan.
Constructive criticism is appreciated from the members of canreef also, no need to start a big flame war over an issue that in reality requires a final consensus of both staff and mods right? I have to agree with Brad though Ephraim, to say that your not going to shop with any of the vendors because of a single one (That I'm sure you know the identity of and if not shoot me a PM) is like saying "One store in Calgary treated me wrongly so I'm never shopping in Calgary again". All of the vendors are competitors not a giant team hell bent on bad service towards the canreef populace. If anything having more vendors creates competition and better service (As I have personally seen from MULTIPLE vendors here). As others have said to fix the problem the vendor "Immunity" idol has to be taken away or replaced with a better action plan.