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Old 08-09-2008, 02:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
First of all, for those who seem to be unhappy with the board, perhaps instead of issuing ultimatums and grandstanding, you could consider running your own board.

It has already been stated that we are discussing what options we can implement for the future. Please feel free to offer constructive advice and suggestions, but please recognize that we can't implement all of them.

As staff here I feel my shins kicked slightly after reading some of these comments. I'll say this: if the thinly veiled attacks of the staff continue, then the response from the staff will be appropriate. Constructive criticism welcome, unconstructive criticism not.
I agree we must offer constructive criticism. Moderation of this site would not be an easy job.

I guess my only feelings on this topic are:

Truth never fears investigation ie if you are a quality vendor most will have nothing bad to say about you so have all the threads you want, and if they do go bad good vendors want to know so they can fix it. Like ebay there will always be a few yoyo's who leave bad feedback but those people are seen for what they are when standing next to everyone else's opinions.

I've seen posts bashing vendors and others are quick to the rescue because the vendor is a good one. That being said I think "vedor reviews" should not be so quickly moderated. The truth will come out, and if its a bad truth that gets deleted researching that vendor quickly become difficult.

I do know that I don't think the vendor fee should buy immunity, and if a vendor has a problem with posts about them not getting deleted they are probably not the kind of vendor we want on canreef.