I hate to say it, but Petcetera got me into reefing. I ended up there for whatever reason years ago, and seen two Ocellaris Clownfish in one of their tanks. I think I sat there for a solid half hour just gazing into that tank. The colours did it for me mainly, but also their personality and the way they moved. I needed some clownfish. Did minor research and came to the conclusion that there was no way a 16 year old with no job could afford a SW tank. So, naturally, I went to FW (african cichlids, etc.) Time passed and I got a good job, with good pay, and still wanted to pursue the SW. So I went to Big Al's and got my supplies and setup a 20g FOWLR.
Then I found corals.... and ohhh boy, here we are today. I had to get out of reefing last April for various reasons, and being away really sucked. It had it's small advantages (able to take vacation with peace of mind) but not enough to keep me away. I am back at it, and am loving it.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50