I am downsizing my frag tank in the garage to a smaller more managable size! I will still be selling frags as they become available but for now I need more space!!! I am finding it difficult to park two cars in the garage with all of my tank supplies and the frag system. I am also having a major problem with heat with this frag tank, the corals do not like this hot weather!
All frags in the tank are free so I can break this tank down and swith to the smaller one.
Various frags including a few zoos, acropora, montipora caps, waving hand corals, digitata, LARGE ball of Cheato Most frags losing color from heat! Will need a nice cool tank to color back up.
I am off Thursday August 7th (tommorow) I am hoping to have the remaining frags gone ASAP.
The frag tank is also for sale (posted in the hardware/drygoods section)