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Old 08-05-2008, 04:42 AM
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Chipie Chipie is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Shippagan,NB,Canada
Posts: 83
Chipie is on a distinguished road
Default Hi all from the east coast :)

You guys are so lucky to have all those reefers to trade frags with and lots of saltwater fish store and aquarium builders etc etc I live right by the Atlantic Ocean(can actually see it from my house) i fish lobster and herring for a living and can't even by a frag or salt locally. It's a 3 hour drive to the closest LFS(local right) that carries any saltwater stuff. Pretty much everything has to be ordered online and the shipping is very expensive. I come to this site and others like aquarium pros and see all those goodies for sale and very good prices. Very frustrating.

You have to really love this hobby to have a saltwater tank living in North-Eastern New-Brunswick.
I hope to visit Alberta one day, the closest i've come to it is Saskatchewan to hunt deer.

Cheers to all Albertains!
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