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Old 08-03-2008, 05:04 PM
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JDigital JDigital is offline
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I had never been into keeping aquariums at all as a kid. None of my friends had them, and I never really heard about them. About 1.5 years ago, I went to a buddies place for a BBQ and saw this HUGE (atleast I thought it was at the time) 90G Reef tank. But never thought I couldn't do it after hearing about all the things he has to take care of it. It had the clowns w/ anemone, coral, etc etc.. and I was amazed by it every time I went round his place.. I am now living in a house with another friend that was into FW before i moved in.. and it was cool, found a 55G Starter kit for a great price at Petland one day, and decided to start a FW (becuz I thought SW was gonna so difficult, I wanted it, but just didn't know much about it).. So anyways, started the 55G FW about 2-3 months ago, and as I started that, my roommate started his 20G Nano Reef... well geez, now I had to look at his tank everyday, and it finally got to me and I caved... Was gonna do the 54G sumpless, which ended up being the 75G RR Tank I now have going... and I just picked up a bunch of parts to start a 23G SPS Nano.. Build thread coming soon.

I guess I can blame being broke on my friends..
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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