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Old 08-03-2008, 04:18 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Without meaning to offend the previous posters and out of respect for the family ,who are now the true victims of this outrage ,I believe this thread should end and be removed by the moderators. At best it is speculation about the unknowable with no perceived benefit.
I was a little hesitant to post this thread.This thread was not started with any disrespect to the family of the young man. This was started as a discussion about human reaction. This type of act can happen anywhere and anytime, that is the world we live in. Many people dont want to face this fact sometimes and take a "bury their head in the sand" route. As for the family of the young man, my deepest condolences go out to them. I can't imagine the pain they are going through. I repeat, this thread was started not to point any blame at anyone. It was started to ask people to think about a reaction they might or might not take in any situation that puts them or someone else in harms way. If starting this thread offends you in any way, I apologize to you, but I personally believe that any discussion so long as it doesnt get offensive is a good discussion.
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