I've got a long list of fish and shrimps for sale as I want to thin out my stock. I prefer pickup, but I can also ship.
Tanganyikan cichlids:
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
They are $10 each or 6 or more at $8 each. 10 or more at $7 each. All fish are 1.25+ inches
A picture of a male taken with flash:
Cyprichromis leptosomma - Utinta
They are $12 each or buy 6 get one free. All fish are 1+ inches
A picture of a male taken with flash:
Cyprichromis leptosomma - Tricolor
They are $10 each or 6 or more at $8 each. 10 or more at $7 each. All fish are 1+ inches
A picture of a young male taken with flash male will get more yellow as he matures):
Ectodus descampsii
They are $15 each or buy 6 get one free. All fish are 1.25+ inches
A picture of a young Ectodus descampsii taken with flash:
Well, it seems that the list will be too long to attach pictures so I'll continue without pictures. If you want some pics, please let me know and I will post them up.
Lamprologus brevis
Adult size $6 each or 10 for $50
Triglachromis otostigma
adult size $12 each or 6 for $60
Inkfin calvus
$6 each or 6 for $30
L-31 Peppermint Pleco
I've only got one 4.5-5 inch for $40
L-129 Pleco
2.5+ inches $25 each or buy 4 get one free. These guys don't get much larger than 3 inches.
Albino bristlenose plecos
They are $5 each, 5 for $20, or 10 for $35. They are between 1.25 to 2 inches and all are doing very well. Eating everything I throw at them and lots of different veggies. They are great algae eaters and are relatively easy to breed.
L-144 plecos
They are $10 each or 6 for $50
They are between 1.5 to 2 inches and all are doing very well. Eating everything I throw at them and lots of different veggies. They are great algae eaters and are also relatively easy to breed.
Discrossus filamentosus
$9 each or 5 for $40
They are 1.25+ inches and are eating flakes, bloodworms, and daphnia. Healthy fish.
Crystal red and crystal black bee shrimps
I'm cleaning up my crystal shrimp tank and culling a bunch. I originally started with A-S grade shrimps and just let them be, however, I haven't been culling them and so I've got a large variety of grade shrimps in the tanks. Keep in mind that the shrimps I"m selling all originated from the A-S grade shrimps. These shrimps are 0.5 to 1 inch in length.
C-grade crystal reds are 10 for $25
B-grade crystal reds and crystal blacks are 10 for $35
Tiger shrimps
These shrimps are 0.5 to 1 inch in length. Easy to breed and neat shrimps.
They are 10 for $25.
Snowball shrimps
These shrimps are 0.5 to 1 inch in length and are also easy to breed.
Snowball shrimps are $7 each or buy 10 get 2 free. If you get 20+ shrimps, I'll give you a few more extra.
Red cherry shrimps and Taiwan blue shrimps
These shrimps are 0.5 to 1 inch in length and are also easy to breed.
10 for $25 or 20 for $40.
I've also got baby red cherries at about 0.25 inches at 40 for $40. They are easy to keep and grow and breed fast!
Phew! that was a long list! There may be a few other things but I'm too tired to list them all. If you're interested, please PM me. Thanks