It is a joy to see a new hobbiest and the excitement you bring. You are so fortunate to have acquired an established tank but in doing so you may have skipped a bit of the learning curb essential to a successful start in this hobby. You asked for some help and I will give a few initial tips and I am sure others will join in.
1) Make sure you have up to date Test Kits and Know how to use them. To start NH3, NO2, NO3, CA, MG. Make sure your Hydrometer or Refractometer is reading accurately.
2) Get to know a good LFS in your area, if you need test kits take a water sample in and have them test it with the kits you purchase there and have them show you how to use them.
3) Reading material!! Start reading let us know what interests you.
4) Water changes: Set up a water change regimen remembering to always top up with RO water and put into your tank exactly the same amount of salt water that you take out.
5) AND Enjoy yourself.