Ever since i was in my early teens i had FW.. my dad and brother had always had an obsession with Discus and Angelfish so slowly i got into that started breeding and raising both. I always loved SW..whenever we went to our LFS i always wished i could keep SW..but i knew it was far to much money so i stuck with FW. Finally school was done, and at that time i found many reef forums and was inspired but all the amazing tanks. I did not want to jump in with a VERY large tank right away (although i wish i did now) but like with many hobbies you never know if you really like them or just get bored with it after a few months. So i bought my 90g set it up, and now after almost 2 years i am still here! I have had some ups and downs along the way but i have never thought about quitting..it only makes me want to learn more and try to improve hopefully have a tank one day like those that first inspired me. Next tank (maybe next year) i am thinking of a 180 4x3x2'
