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Old 07-29-2008, 05:39 PM
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Think Dave was referring to Chaloupa's description of what the tang police are. She was rather polite - the whole concept of tang police came about because there is a school of thought that no tank is large enough for a tang, and people will jump all over someone else for even having a tang in the first place - thus, "tang police". And it's a bit silly because it seems that it's only tangs that receive this fervor of opinion - ie., angels, butterflies, etc - you don't hear of the "angel police" or the "anthias police".

Dave's just saying that anyone who feels a tang is being served an injustice by being kept in a tank, and applies those comments towards someone in a 600g tank hasn't probably actually seen this tank in person.

My guess anyhow. Sorry if I'm putting words in anyone's mouth!
-- Tony
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