Sorry for the delay in progress, it's summer, what can I say. LOL
I did start the process of building the new tank the other day however.
I am going to be extra anal about this task. So I am covering both sides of the glass with 2 layers of packaging paper and taping the edges where the silicone will be applied. Once I have everything dry fit and ready to go I will remove the tape from around the edges and apply the silicone.
I did not have a decent work area or bench in my shop so I have been spending some time getting all that done first.
So far I have covered 2 of the panes and the centerbrace. I am hoping to get more done tonight.
I am still searching my local hardward stores for some proven silicone. Unfortunately I may end up having to drive to Prince George to pick some up, if they have it there.
So not a lot done so far but the wheels have started turning again. I need to get this tank built and water tested before winter so it won't be long now.
I post some pics later today of the glass covering process and just how anal one can get. LOL

230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge